Sunday, May 04, 2008

On Calvin and Free Will

OK, so the title to this post is a bit misleading. But you can't be more confused than the theologically astute visitor that arrives at Calvin Free Will Baptist Church on any given Sunday morning. My fellow intern, Jay Bennett, and I caravaned to Presbytery in Tulsa this past weekend. I knew Calvin, Oklahoma was along the way so we planned a stop to get this picture. Other interesting place names along the way (that I didn't take pictures of) were Toots BBQ and Double Vision Liquor. There was also this recently constructed building out in the middle of nowhere. It was a big box shaped thing with a portico on the front with huge columns all the way across the front. In what had to be 24 inch block letters across the front it simply said "God's House." I wish I had stopped to snap a shot of that one.


Jared Nelson said...

Next Stop: Arminian Sovereign Grace Church...

GUNNY said...

That's good bull.

What took you guys to Tulsa?

Matthew Bradley said...

The North Texas Presbytery met in Tulsa this quarter. We drove up Friday and then I returned Saturday night. Jay took the fam and stayed on until Sunday.